Our Work

The Money Charity is the UK’s Financial Capability charity, providing education, information, advice and guidance to all. Our vision is that everyone achieves Financial Wellbeing by managing their money well. We empower people across the UK to build the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make the most of their money throughout their lives; helping them achieve their goals and live a happier, more positive life as a result.

We believe that taking a proactive approach to managing money at an early age is vital to developing the essential skills and attitudes Young People will need for the future. We deliver Financial Education Money Workshops in Schools and Colleges, as well as with Charities and Community Groups who work with Young People. We also have Resources designed for Young People and for use in schools.
For many people, the desire to make the most of their money only really kicks in when they start earning or need to look after themselves and their family. We work with a wide variety of organisations to provide Financial Wellbeing Workshops to groups of people in both workplace and community settings. Our Workshops are practical and motivational, inspiring participants to get on top of their money now and to achieve their goals for the future, as well as completely impartial. Our Money Manual is also a great resource for people looking to achieve Financial Wellbeing.
We work with all sorts of organisations through our Consultancy work. Whether it’s a company developing a Financial Wellbeing hub for its employees, a website resourcing parents with Financial Education input so they can talk money with their children, or just being a critical friend who can help you ask the right questions about your product. We hope that by offering our unique expertise, experience and insight, and by collaborating in partnership, we can both help your organisation achieve its objectives and engage more people with Financial Wellbeing and Financial Education.
To complement our direct engagement with people of all ages, we also speak up in the Policy & Research field to keep the profile of Financial Education and Financial Wellbeing high on the agenda. We believe that it is essential that people across the UK not only understand the principles of good money management, but also that the systems we all live under are fair and proactively help people manage money well, not hinder them. That’s why we do all we can to remind the Government, media, and key stakeholders and influencers of our views and positions. Alongside this, we also produce our popular report The Money Statistics which gives our objective overview of the state of the UK’s finances each month.