
Our vision is to see the UK increasing its Financial Wellbeing and that work is underpinned by the support of our invaluable funders, without whom we would be able to achieve very little! We are grateful to be supported by a wide range of sources; corporate partners, trusts and foundations as well as individuals who give regularly or make one-off donations.
If you represent an organisation that would like to explore a funding partnership with us, please have a read of our Funders & Partners page or get in touch.
If you’d like to support us individually through a regular or one-off donation, then please just use the PayPal link below. (If you would prefer to donate in another way, please contact us.)
What your donation could achieve...
Could help support our day-to-day work, going where it is most needed.
Could support a participant from a Community group attending one of our Financial Wellbeing Workshops.
Could pay for a Financial Education Money Workshop for a class of up to 40 Young People.
Could cover the hours of our expert staff's work producing and releasing our Money Statistics report each month.
Please remember that, if you are a UK taxpayer, you can increase the value of your donation, at no cost to you, through Gift Aid.
Simply select Yes in the Gift Aid box below and for each £1 you donate, The Money Charity can claim an extra 25p, making your gift go further. (Please always remember to ensure that the amount of tax recovered by your Gift Aid declaration(s) does not exceed the amount of income/capital gains tax you incur in any tax year.)
You can cancel your Gift Aid declaration at any time by writing to us.
Give a one-off donation
Set up a monthly donation
Thank you very much for your support in helping more people achieve Financial Wellbeing!