Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you can find the answers to the questions we are most frequently asked!
What Does The Money Charity Do?
The Money Charity is the UK’s Financial Capability charity and our vision is that everyone achieves Financial Wellbeing by managing their money well. We empower people across the UK to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make the most of their money throughout their lives. We do this through our Workshops, Webinars and Resources, as well as through our Policy & Research work.
What Makes The Money Charity Unique?
The Money Charity is the only UK charity specialising in independent, unbiased and expert Financial Wellbeing and Education for people of all ages and at all stages of life.
What Is Financial Capability?
Financial Capability is at the root of everything we do as a charity. Put simply, it is the process of helping people to develop the skills and knowledge they need to manage their money well. But additionally to it being about ability, it is also about helping people to understand their attitudes and behaviours when it comes to how they treat their money, recognising their approaches, tendencies and habits, then managing those accordingly.
What Is Financial Education?
We believe that Financial Education is a key building block and essential life skill for people to develop as they go through life. Most of us can think back to school and remember some maths, learning about numbers, getting to grips with arithmetic, algebra, geometry and so on. But Financial Education takes these further into the realities of everyday life, such as understanding what a proper budget looks like, how credit cards work, how to read a payslip, what’s involved in getting a mortgage, or why pensions are so important. While Financial Education has been part of the UK secondary school Curriculum since 2014, still only 47% of Young People say they received any Financial Education at school or at home (the Money and Pensions Service, 2023.)
What Is Financial Wellbeing?
Our vision is that everyone across the UK increases their Financial Wellbeing, which we believe will be the natural result of greater Financial Capability and improved Financial Education. While most of us will have thought how life would be that much easier if we just had “a little bit more money”, Financial Wellbeing is less about how much money we have and more about how we use what we do have. Financial Wellbeing means having enough money but also being confident in knowing how to use and manage it well, thus lessening the stress, worry and anxiety which our finances can otherwise cause. We believe the result of this is that people can then harness their money as a power for good in their lives, so they can make the right financial decisions for themselves and their families.
What Impact Does Your Work Have?
We believe the impact of our work is far reaching in many respects, including those we deliver sessions to, those who make use of our resources, those organisations who support our work and share our vision, as well as those with whom our policy works engages and informs. To find out more, head to our dedicated Impact page, or you can read our latest Annual Report here.
How Many People Do You Reach?
- Since 2010, our Financial Education Money Workshops have helped over 300,000 Young People to get more engaged with their money.
- In 2023, our Financial Wellbeing Workshops helped over 9,500 UK adults, in Workplaces and Community Groups to get to grips with their money.
- Our Money Statistics report reaches a warm audience of around 4,400 subscribers each month, giving them a full, objective overview of the UK’s finances and engaging them with our messages and perspective.
- Through our social media channels, we inspire over 10,300 people each day with our vision.
- Between 1,500-1,700 visitors typically come to our website each month.
Can I Get Financial Advice or Financial Support From You?
We work with groups of people through our Workshops and Webinars, while our Resources are designed to help individuals. Beyond this, we unfortunately do not work with people on an individual basis and are unable to provide any specific financial advice or support. There are many organisations set up to provide personalised advice and support, some of whom are listed on our Signposting page and we suggest individuals should contact one of these in the first instance.
Can I Make A Funding Request?
We cannot assist any individual or group with their specific financial needs and are not able to respond to any funding requests received.
Can I Submit An Article Or Content To Your Website?
As a charity, we are fully impartial and independent, therefore we do not accept any submissions of external content from third parties for our website. We are not able to respond to submissions received.
Getting Involved
How Can I Support The Money Charity?
We’re delighted that you’re interested in supporting our work! Every bit of funding is gratefully received and makes a real difference to people’s financial lives across the UK. If you wish to make a donation now, you can do so via our Donate page or if you would like to discuss a funding partnership or opportunity, then please do get in touch with us for a further discussion.
Where Can I Keep Up-To-Date With Your Latest News?
As well as on this site, you might like to follow us on our social channels: Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
Can I Work With You?
The Money Charity has a small staff team plus a network of freelance Consultants. When any roles become available, they will be advertised on the Jobs page of our website, along with full details on how to apply. We are not able to retain details of anyone expressing interest in potential future opportunities. We request no contact from recruitment agencies or sales please.
Can I Volunteer With You?
We do occasionally have volunteer roles available and when these arise, they will be advertised on the Volunteer page of our website, along with full details on how to apply. We are not able to retain details of anyone expressing interest in potential future opportunities.
Workshops, Webinars & Consultancy
Can I Personally Attend One Of Your Workshops or Webinars?
We currently only deliver our sessions in group settings, meaning everyone who attends is part of the group being delivered to, i.e. a workplace’s employees, a school class, a charity’s beneficiaries. This does mean that none of our Workshops or Webinars are available for individual sign-ups. However, hosting open sessions is an option we always keep under consideration for the future. If this is of particular interest to you, we would recommend following our social media channels where we would announce and publicise these.
How Do I Book A Workshop or Webinar For My Group?
For a Young People’s Financial Education Money Workshop, you can make a booking request by downloading our booking request form, from either our Schools and College page or our Community page, filling it out and sending it to our Young People’s team.
For a Financial Wellbeing Workshop or Webinar from our Workplace & Community team, you can submit an enquiry form here.
How Many People Can Be In A Workshop or Webinar?
Our Financial Education Money Workshops for young people are delivered to classroom-sized groups, up to a maximum of 40 people.
Our Financial Wellbeing Workshops for adults are suitable for up to 20 attendees, while our Webinars are for larger groups, up to a maximum of 300 people.
Are Your Workshops Free-Of-Charge?
Our Financial Education Money Workshops for young people are available free of charge to all state-funded schools and colleges with an optional donation.
Subject to funding, we are also able to offer fully-funded (free-of-charge) Workshops to some charities, community organisations and social enterprises, but please contact us for the latest information.
All other organisations should contact us to discuss prices and options further.
Am I Eligible For Funded Workshops?
If you’re uncertain about your eligibility for funded Workshops, we would suggest contacting us directly for an initial discussion.
Can You Offer A Discount?
We believe our prices are competitive and well benchmarked against similar, competing options on the market. Working with us, you know you are also supporting the work of a charity, while gaining the benefit of our unique expertise alongside our fully independent position, meaning we do not promote or endorse any specific products or services (beyond ourselves!)
With some bulk Workshop bookings, we are able to offer a discount. However, we are also keen to be flexible to meet client’s needs, so are always very happy to discuss options further with you.
Can You Help Us With Our Project Or Product?
We have many years of experience working with a wide range of organisations through our Consultancy work, bringing our experience, expertise and insight in Financial Capability, Financial Education and Financial Wellbeing to multiple products and projects. You can find out more on our Consultancy page and we would warmly encourage any interested organisation to get in touch for a further discussion.
How Can I Sign Up To Your Mailing Lists?
You can sign up to our mailing lists, to receive our monthly Money Statistics report, our general emails and newsletter, or both, by clicking here and filling out the GDPR form.
How Do I Order Your Resources?
To order/download copies of our Money Manual, Student Money Manual or a set of Teacher Resource Packs, just go to our resources ordering page and follow the onscreen instructions for the relevant resource.
Can You Help Me Budget?
Our Budget Builder is a desktop tool which can help you put together a Budget and get to grips with managing your money well. You can get started by clicking here.
Can You Provide Further Info On Your Money Stats?
We use multiple official and unofficial data sources, which we then crunch each month to present relevant, topical insights on the UK’s finances. The sources we use are freely available and we are happy to provide further details on request.
You can also consult the archive of our previous month’s reports, which is always available. But for time-series data we recommend re-consulting original sources so that revisions are included.
Generally speaking, it’s unlikely that we have further specific breakdowns (such as local/regional data) available for the figures we cite in the report. However, some official datasets (especially ONS) do have these breakdowns.
How Can I Make A Complaint About The Money Charity?
We are sorry to hear that you want to make a complaint about us, but at The Money Charity, our aim is to provide the best possible service and to be exemplary in behaviour and attitude towards everyone we work with. If we fail to do so, it is important for us to know. We are committed to responding promptly and courteously to complaints and see them as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to maintain good relations with all our stakeholders. To find out more about making a complaint, including details of how to send it to us and the process we’ll then follow, please look at our Complaints Policy on this link.
I Can’t Find The Answer To My Question, Who Should I Email?
If in doubt about who to contact, please email [email protected] in the first instance, giving as much information as you’re able, or fill out the form on our Contact Us page. (Please note, if your question refers to payments, bills or invoices, you should email [email protected] instead.)