The Money Charity Announces New Support from Postcode Society Trust

The Money Charity is delighted to announce new funding of £20,000 to support its work delivering Financial Wellbeing Workshops to disadvantaged young people/adults in the South East of England. This support will enable delivery of 50 hours of sessions, further boosting the charity’s response to the pandemic and the significant financial challenges it has caused for so many people.

This work has been made possible thanks to an award from Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

The Money Charity’s Covid-19 Response Financial Wellbeing Workshops will be targeted in the South East of England, seeking to impact 750 disadvantaged young people/adults through the delivery of 50 hours of Workshops. The Workshops will particularly target people aged 16-25 in circumstances that put them at greater risk of financial disadvantage, for example young carers, or those in families eligible for free school meals.

Each interactive and engaging Workshop will include a range of useful, informative and practical Financial Wellbeing topics, such as saving and budgeting, credit, banking and insurance. The sessions will be tailored to the engaged group, providing flexibility around delivery approach (such as face-to-face or virtually), numbers of attendees, length and content.

Postcode Society Trust is a grant-giving charity, funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Since launching in 2005 players of the lottery have raised hundreds of millions of pounds for thousands of organisations across Britain and internationally. By providing financial support for charities and good causes, Postcode Society Trust helps communities improve health and wellbeing, reduce isolation and undertake arts and physical recreation activities.