The Money Statistics September 2024

6.71 pence per litre Decrease in the price of unleaded petrol in September 2024

£2,507 Average credit card debt per household in July 2024

6.67% Change in outstanding credit card balances in year to July 2024

2.2% Inflation rate in the year to August 2024

2.4% Increase in average first-time buyer house price in the year to July 2024

£65,515 Average total debt per UK household in July 2024

£4,269 Total unsecured debt per UK adult in July 2024

11 years Time to save for a first-time buyer house deposit, saving at the average rate out of average UK income (at Q1 2024 rate)

UK Personal Debt

People in the UK owed £1,860.6 billion at the end of July 2024.

This is up by £25.76 million from £1,834.85 billion at the end of July 2023, an extra £477.14 per UK adult over the year.

The average total debt per household, including mortgages, was £65,515.

Per adult this was £34,457, around 95.8% of average earnings. This is up from the revised £34,386 a month earlier.

Based on July 2024 numbers, the UK’s total interest payments on personal debt over a 12-month period would have been £79.69 billion, an average of £218 million per day.

The average annual interest per household would have been £2,806 and per person £1,476, 4.1% of average earnings.

According to the Office for Budget Responsibility’s November 2023 forecast, household debt of all types is forecast to rise from £2,259 billion in 2023 to £2,429 billion in 2025.

This would make the average total household debt £85,274 (assuming household numbers track ONS population projections.)

At the end of July 2024, outstanding consumer credit lending was £230.5 billion, increasing by £901 million on the revised total for the previous month.

Within the total, outstanding credit card debt came to £71.19 billion, an increase of 6.67% in the year to July 2024. Credit card debt averaged £2,507 per household and £1,318 per adult.

A credit card on the average interest would take 27 years and 1 month to repay, making only the legal minimum repayments each month.

The minimum repayment in the first month would be £71 but would reduce each month. If £71 were paid every month, the debt would be cleared in 4 years and 11 months.

Total net lending to individuals and housing associations by UK banks and building societies increased by £3.8 billion in July 2024 or £126 million a day over revised figures for June 2024.

Net mortgage lending increased by £2.9 billion in the month, while net consumer credit lending increased by £324 million.

In Q2 2024 lenders wrote off £608 million (of which £288 million was credit card debt, amounting to a daily write-off of £3.16 million.)

Everyday in the UK

The population of the UK grew by an estimated 1,584 people a day between mid-year 2021 and mid-year 2022.

On average, a UK household spends £3.44 a day on water, electricity and gas.

333.4 people a day were declared insolvent or bankrupt in England or Wales in June to August 2024. This was equivalent to one person every 4 minutes and 20 seconds.

In Northern Ireland in the three months to August 2024, there were 4 insolvencies per day. In Scotland in the three months to June 2024 there were 22.3 insolvencies per day.

Citizens Advice Bureaux in England and Wales dealt with 1,222 debt issues every day in the year to August 2024.

10.77 properties were repossessed every day in April to June 2024 in the UK, or one every 2 hours and 20 minutes.

The number of UK mortgages with arrears of over 2.5% of the remaining balance increased by 38.8 a day in the year to June 2024.

The number of people unemployed in the UK decreased by 121 per day in the twelve months to July 2024.

901 people a day reported they had become redundant in May to July 2024.

Net lending to individuals and housing associations in the UK increased by £126 million a day in June 2024.

Government debt increased by £517 million a day in the three months to July 2024.

Borrowers paid £218 million a day in interest in July 2024.

It costs an average of £25.28 per day for a couple to raise a child from birth to the age of 18.

For a lone parent family, the cost of raising a child comes to £33.54 per day.

55.8 mortgage possession claims and 35.2 mortgage possession orders were made every day in England and Wales in April to June 2024.

262.7 landlord possession claims and 198.5 landlord possession orders were made every day.