We have been producing our must read summary of UK’s money situation since 2005. The latest UK money statistics from the Money Charity can be found below. And you can find the archive here.

The Money Statistics July 2018

£4.21 The average UK household spend on gas, water and electricity a day

96 The average use of cash machines per second in the UK

£46m The fall in Public Sector Net Debt per day in 2018

125% The average rent in London compared to the rest of England (2 bed)

£122m The increase in net lending to individuals a day

230 The fall in unemployment a day

£64.40 The average price of 50 litres of unleaded petrol

18.24% The average credit card interest in the UK

0.3% The real term increase in regular pay on last month

UK Personal Debt

People in the UK owed £1.5877 trillion at the end of May 2018.

This is up from £1.54 trillion at the end of May 2017– an extra £920.71 per UK adult. This is a fall of £28.59 on last month.

The average household debt– including mortgages – was £58,371 in May. The revised figure for April was £58,231. average total debt per household.

Per adult in the UK that’s an average debt of £30,670 in May – around 113.8% of average earnings – down 0.1% on last month. This is up from a revised £30,596 a month earlier.

Based on May 2018 trends, the UK’s total interest repayments on personal debt over a 12 month period would have been £50.338 billion.

That’s an average of £138 million per day.

This means that households in the UK would have paid an average of £1,851 in annual interest repayments. Per person that’s £972 3.61%of average earnings.

According to the Office for Budget Responsibility’s March 2018 forecast, household debt is predicted to reach £2.296 trillion in Q1 2022.

This makes the average household debt £84,412 (assuming that the number of households in the UK remained the same between now and then).

Outstanding consumer credit lending was £212.9 billion at the end of May 2018, increasing by £2bn on last month.

This is also up from £199.7 billion at the end of May 2017, and is an increase of £227.88 for every adult in the UK.

Per household, that’s an average consumer credit debt of £7,778 in May, up slightly from a revised £7,740 in April – and £433.71 extra per household over the year.

The average consumer credit borrowing stood at £4,087 per adult. This is up £4,067 on last month.

Total credit card debt in May 2018 was £71.6bn. Per household this is £2,634 – for a credit card bearing the average interest, it would take 26 years and 5 months to repay if you made only the minimum repayment each month.

The minimum repayment in the first month would be £64 but reduces each month. If you paid £64 every month, the debt would be cleared in around 5 years and 4 months.

Total net lending to individuals by UK banks and building societies increased by £3.8 billion in May 2018– or £122m a day.

Net mortgage lending increased by £2.77 billion in the month; net consumer credit lending rose by £1.03 billion as well.

In Q1 2018 they wrote off £1.069bn (of which £318 million was credit card debt) amounting to a daily write-off of £11.6 million.

Everyday in the UK

The population of the UK grew by an estimated 1,074 people a day between 2016 and 2017.

On average, a UK household spends £4.21 a day on water, electricity and gas.

304 people a day are declared insolvent or bankrupt. This is equivalent to one person every 4 minutes and 44 seconds.

Cash machines were used an average of 96 times a second across the UK.

3,399 Consumer County Court Judgements (CCJs) were issued every day in Q1 2018, with an average value of £1,489.

Citizens Advice Bureaux in England and Wales dealt with 4,162 new debt problems every day during May 2017.

20 properties are repossessed every day, or one every 1 hour and 12 minutes.

The number of mortgages with arrears of over 2.5% of the remaining balance fell by 38 a day.

The number of people unemployed fell by 230 per day from March to May 2018.

1,033 people a day reported they had become redundant between March and May.

Net lending to individuals in the UK increased by £122 million a day in May 2018.

The Government debt fell by £46m a day during 2018.

Borrowers would repay £138 million a day in interest in year, based on May 2018 trends.

It costs an average of £23.61 per day for a couple to raise a child from birth to the age of 18.

This comes to £28.48 per day for a lone parent family.

50 mortgage possession claims and 34 mortgage possession orders are made every day.

354 landlord possession claims and 266 landlord possession orders are made every day.