Support Our Work

We are always looking for new corporate partners and funders to enable us to help more people to manage their money well. Please see Our Work for details on what we do.

How Can You Help Us?
Together we could reach more Young People with our Financial Education Money Workshops, teaching valuable life skills and attitudes at an age where it matters most. We’ve reached over 300,000 Young People so far, but there are many more who could benefit. Equally, you could help us roll out new work with Young People who are not in mainstream education environments, often those who are more vulnerable, helping them learn how to talk about and deal with money, possibly for the first time.
Or you could help us develop and deliver our Workplace & Community Financial Wellbeing Workshops to people across the UK. You might have a particular interest in working with, for example, those in their first jobs, those who live in your housing association’s property, or those who are in prison. In these increasingly challenging times, you could just want to help us help more people across the UK to stay on top of their money more generally. A key part of our strategy is to provide online information, as well as tailored digital tools for tracking and managing money. If you have a particular interest or expertise in digital provision, we would be delighted to hear from you.
There is so much more we can do to help people across the UK to increase their Financial Wellbeing. We have got plenty of ideas and are always open to considering yours. If you like the sound of what we already do, or would like to work with us on creating something new, then please do Get In Touch.
How Can We Help You?
We consider one of our strengths to be working closely with our partners to meet the individual needs of their company, rather than coming in with a ‘one-size fits all’ model, and can provide support, advice and Consultancy on all sorts of Financial Wellbeing issues. Please see Our Work for more details. We are always open to new ideas and are happy to engage in ‘would it be possible’ discussions!
If you are interested in advice on how to develop Financial Wellbeing programmes for your employees or customers, or just want to discuss how we might be able to add value to your business, do not hesitate to Get In Touch.